Friday, March 27, 2009

Keri .

As you may know her album came out on Tuesday, heard couple of songs, think it's a pretty nice album. Did any of you guys brought it? Is it really good?

Here's a new video for Knock you down. I like that song too

P.S. Don't you think that her & Kanye look so cute together?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm super excited about this man!

I'm going to be in there next week during my break in school !
On top of that their new collection 'Miami' is awesone 
I know it's going to be crazyyyy

I don't know what I was thinking ..

To give up Facebook for Lent. smh
It kinda helped tho, I communicated more with my friends instead of going to their walls and leave a comment.
I got 2 more weeks of this shit
I can't wait !

oh check me out on twitter.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

So I've been reading..

Due to lack of hobbies [facebook] lol I started reading. No but I've always wanted to start reading again and this is the perfect time.
I am currently reading Steve Harvey's book "Act like a Lady, Think like a Man"

Just for pure entertainment. I'm like almost done reading it and I think EVERY woman should buy or read this book. I'm telling you, you can save a lot of time and energy and get some pointers. If this came out 2 years ago it could've saved me from this last 'relationship' I had. So every time I read and find something that I think is interesting or just some parts I will quote them and will share it with you guys.

This is one out of Chapter 6: How Men Distinguish Between the Marrying Types and the Playthings.
He uses fishing as an analogy to explain how 'men seek out women'

".. A man fishes for two reasons: he's either sport fishing or fishing to eat, which means he's either going to try to catch the biggest fish he can, take a picture of it, admire it with his buddies and toss it back to sea, or he's going to take that fish home, scale it, fillet it, toss it in some cornmeal, fry it up, and put it on his plate. This, I think, is a great analogy for how men seek out women."

Skip couple paragraphs and he says this:

".. But the question always remains: once we hook you, what will we do with you? Taking a cue from my love of fishing, my philosophy is that men will treat women like one of those things: a sports fish or a keeper. How we meet, how the conversation goes, how the relationship develops, and the demands you make on a man will all determine whether you'll be treated like a sports fish-a throwback-or a keeper, the kind of woman a man can envision settling down with."

& briefly this is how he describes a sports fish and keeper just in case you haven't read it yet and wondering what the hell does that mean.
A Sports fish: doesn't have any rules, requirements, respect for herself, or guidelines, and we men can pick up her sent a mile away.

A Keeper: never gives in easily , and the standards/requirements start the moment you open your mouth. She commands-not demands respect, just by the way she carries herself.

Share your thoughts.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Ok these are some of the pictures from the Spring Fashion shoot that I styled at work. There's just some, didn't want to post them all and you'll be bored. But I will post the FINAL pictures that actually going in the magazine and the video of that day =) Enjoy

make-up artist [loved him]

Doing my thing..

the clothes

hair stylist [loved him too!]

Photographer [he's awesome]

[ me & my Audrey =) ]

look how short I am [ smh]

cute huh?

done for the day!


Marc Jacobs is, to his boyfriend Lorenzo Martone (his ad executive)

I love him! He's also been nominated for womenswear designer of the year!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm upset

I downloaded Photoshop, mind you for some reason it took 2 and half days to COMPLETELY finish and now I finally got it up and running I can't use it. Why? Cause I don't know how. I was trying you know, I went online and checked some tutorials and all but still I couldn't do a thing. So now I'm upset.
Like I wanna do all these little graphics stuff, retouch my pics and all that good stuff.


Is there another program like Photoshop that's for the slow people like me?
Can someone help me?

& I'm trying to upload those pics of the magazine fashion shoot for some reason blogger or the internet service won't let me
I'll post them sometimes during the week

Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm so glad I didn't go

Don't know how to act smh.
Hoping that they do reschedule another more organized audition.

P.S. For some reason you can't see the "POST COMMENT" link so if you want to comment on it just click on the title =)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 11.

I'm in my Biology class right now.
I'm bored as hell! My butt hurts from sitting down for so long
I was paying attention for the first hour then my ADD kicked in and I was gone.
This shit is from 1p.m.-4:25p.m.. 3 hours and 25mins!
This is only week 1 and he's already covering 4 chapters! [straight face]

I tried man

Everyone wants to get out of there. I can feel it.
Someone just asked if we can get out early.
Let's hope he do let us go =/

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

It's been a week and couple days.
Yay me!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Looks - Who did it best?

Kirsty Gallacher


And she returns

.. " Mmmmm, no more settling for less 
Im looking for that kind of man 
Thats gonna give his best, cause Im giving my best 
A man that wants to cherish this 
And knows exactly how to woo me 
Not some silly little boy 
Who wants my goodies cause he took me to the movies .. "

It's funny cause the video has this 60's vibe/look and Solange said something about it (the 60's) on Twitter.
Is she directing the comments towards her? Hmmmmm

Monday, March 9, 2009

Style Watch: Amber Rose

We all know her by now and see her everywhere with Kanye.
She's the talk of the blogs. So let's check out her style from the first day she started walking around with my husband

A smoker.

I'm not hating but I'm totally jealous of her. Get to be with my hubby 24/7 all over & at Fashion Week

All over Paris Fashion Week. Love that LV bag
I don't like matching matching things. So those matching shoes & bags. 
Ehhh for me
Love those Chanel sunglasses

I'm a big shades fan so I think her sunglasses game are on point tho.
Is she fashionista potential?

First day

...Back to school was horrible.
Have two 3hr class back to back. sucks

Anyway today was the celebration of the life of Christopher Wallace aka The Notorious BIG.
Let's celebrate

Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 5 .

Just for fun

Say it ain't so ..

I love love love love love Danity Kane.
I'm a straight Danity Kane fan. They were the only girl group out there doing their thing and I loved it. And with Making the Band season out there now, I was hoping and praying that maybe they would get back together. Even if it was just with the 4 of them like who cares about Audrey. I would be satisfied.

So today I'm on Concreteloop and see that D.Woods is having a series of mixtapes leading up to her Solo album. [straight face]. She has her own website and everything

I mean I think her song is nice tho. Check it out

I'm still hoping for them to get back together . Just the four of them =/

Thursday, March 5, 2009

To tell you the truth ..

I'm over this

This is going to be my last time talking about it. I'm not even going to say anything. Just directing you to some links and you on come back and tell me what you think about this situation and we'll discuss.

Check here to see the details on how he beat the crap out of her

He was cheating, it's not the rumors about STD's
& apparently this was not the first time he hit her, not surprised.
Shaking my head.

Day 4.

Awful day at work.
This is all part of being a grown-up. Making life decisions, deciding what's best for you, your career and your life.
I don't want to have any regrets but without regrets there's no lessons. I'm realizing that I can't do it all.

Some of you probably heard about Tyra's new Top model show.. She's going for the Petite meaning short girls for next season and I want to try out. I mean who knows if I'm going to make it at all.

That's when work comes in... a new position that I want but can I handle it? I believe I can, for something I want I will fight for it and do the best of my abilities to be the best. But ...

Lot of "Buts" ..
& I have to make a decision
I hate this part.
I don't even know if I make any sense.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This is why I'm waiting for Spring !

Day 3.

I found this article this afternoon. Just wanted to share ..

Catholics are urged to give up texting for Lent Mar 4, 2009 1:37 PM EST

ROME - Roman Catholic bishops in Italy are urging the faithful to go on a high-tech fast for Lent, switching off modern appliances from cars to iPods and abstaining from surfing the Web or text messaging until Easter. The suggestion goes far beyond no-meat Fridays, giving a modern twist to traditional forms of abstinence in the five-week period Christians set aside for fasting and prayer ahead of Easter.

And it shows the Church's increasing focus on technology's uses - with many of the Lenten appeals posted on various dioceses' Web sites.
Dioceses and Catholic groups in Modena, southern Bari and other cities have called for a ban on text messaging every Friday in Lent, which began last week with Ash Wednesday.

"It's a small way to remember the importance of concrete and not virtual relationships," the Modena diocese said in a statement. "It's an instrument to remind us that our actions and lifestyles have consequences in distant countries." The diocese said the "no SMS day" seeks to draw attention to years of conflict in Congo fueled in part by the struggle for control of coltan mines. The mineral is an essential material in cell phones.

The Turin diocese is suggesting the faithful not watch television during Lent. In the northeastern city of Trento, the church has created a "new lifestyles" calendar with proposals for each week of Lent.

Some ideas: Leave cars at home and hop on a bike or a bus; stop throwing chewing gum on the street and start recycling waste; enjoy the silence of a week without the Internet and iPods.

Italian laity and clergy have reacted cautiously to the proposals. Some say Lenten abstinence should be a personal matter, and others contend that people who need technology to work shouldn't be asked to do without.

"What does giving up mean? If the use is capricious, then abstinence is welcome, but if technology is needed for work it makes no sense," said the Rev. Giancarlo Angelo Andreis, a priest at a Rome basilica.

"I have to decide how to experience the Lent period. I should give up something if I really feel it, not because the Church says so," said 26-year-old Angelo Dente. The Church is trying to balance an increasing appreciation of modern communication with a wariness of new media.

In January, the Vatican launched its own YouTube channel, with Pope Benedict XVI welcoming viewers to this "great family that knows no borders."

Benedict praised social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace for forging friendships and understanding, but cautioned that online networking could isolate people from real social interaction.

The pope has also warned about what he has called the tendency of entertainment media to trivialize sex and promote violence.

AP Writer Valentina Tordoni contributed to this report.
By ARIEL DAVID Associated Press Writer

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Well she's bold

Brooke Crittendon

Looks similar to the dress that M.I.A. wore at the Grammys by House of Holland


My Big Bro

“I’m a mirror.. If you’re cool with me, I’m cool with you, and the exchange starts. What you see is what you reflect. If you don’t like what you see, then you’ve done something. If I’m standoffish, that’s because you are.”  - jay

This is not cool !

His next 2 shows are SOLD OUT!
& I thought he was going to perform this saturday at the Apollo Theater, apparently he's not. It's just going to be Jadakiss & Slim.

Boohoo. He needs more dates for New York! 
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