Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 2

I've been thinking.. If I do go on Facebook who's going to know? I can be very discreet. I mean God would know and I will eventually ask for forgiveness and I'm pretty sure he'll forgive me. Don't you?

Ugh. I'm almost crazy. My best friend calls me today and says:
"Omg I saw the pics that Tamara posted on Facebook, you looked so cute & Missy's pics too"
then I'm like: "Umm yea I gave up Facebook for Lent remember?"

Then my co-worker is there talking about the pics that we took from the shoot that's on Facebook now, of course I can't see them and these were the pics that I was waiting for to show you guys. But unfortunately they were posted after I gave up. Now I have to wait for Tamara to either post them on Myspace or send them to me. Sucks

That was my day.

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