Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Late night thinking

How could you miss someone you don't even know?
Is that even possible?


Naomie said...

yes you can (i think)
but how? idk lol

SoPhie said...

lol that's exactly what I'm trying to find out.
like how is that possible.

Naomie said...

lets say it's a male. i think you'd have the typical guy that you're wanting. & in your mind "he" is perfect. "he" does everything you want, "he" makes you happy the whole 9..only thing is "he" doesnt exist or "he" is not in your life. so your mind "misses him", well the thoughts of "him" that were just conjured up
so you miss someone you don't even know

lol...idk if that makes sense, or if that's what you were thinking. lol

SoPhie said...

totally makes sense.
"he" exist btw.

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