Friday, October 2, 2009

You know how I love Solange right?

She recently did a shoot and interview with Honey Magazine. I absolutely love her and these pictures are hot and very inspiring. She said something in the interview that I absolutely loved.

Let’s talk about the Honey shoot, you coming in and seeing all those crazy clothes that you fell in love with. How was your experience shooting with us?

It was amazing. You guys had the best energy of a shoot to me — I was just talking about it last night on Twitter. I really admire and study and respect the brilliance of fashion. I don’t live, breathe, eat, drink and depend on fashion to be more than what it is. I think when you have that frame of mind you really can go there. You really have no resignations about putting looks together that are just fun and fearless and that’s what you guys provided and allowed me to do so I was really happy.

Check out more of her article here.

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