Friday, October 23, 2009

Alexander McQueen = Art

Have we established that Alexander McQueen is a genius? His Spring '10 collection is all about the underworld/alien/weird and artistic. This shows you the real meaning when we say that Fashion is ART. The shapes, the forms, the details are just what made this entire collection so beautiful.

And not to mention the shoes, which apparently are 10-inches! Now I would want to be in those model's shoes literally just for that moment for two reasons:
1. So that I can be tall [probably be like 5'11 with those.. hehehe]
2. See how it feels to walk in those heels.

1 comment: Review said...

"Fashion is ART."

It really is. Runway fashion never fails to amuse me. I'm not really into eccentricity, but they are really amazing. The designs open my eyes to art, art that I can wear. Awesome, right?

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