Saturday, October 17, 2009

Nail art .

Haven't done a post about my nails for a while, so here's what I'm rocking this week. I'm not really a big fan of pink, wore it before but not my favorite. I actually did my own nails like that by myself but it started chipping and looking bad so I went to the nail salon got it fix and voila !

It's cute, I'm feeling it for now

But then earlier I went to my fellow blogger's blog and saw the recent post she did about her nails and totally loved it. So going to be my next design.

I've seen Solange with the same thing on Oprah & if you are following her on twitter she twitpic'ed a pic with her nails.

Love it!

1 comment:

MrWill said...

What's life without variety. The nails are dope lil lady.

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