Saturday, February 28, 2009

Very Disappointed

So much that I won't even say anything really about it.
What everyone is talking about on this beautiful saturday morning. Rihanna & Chris Brown are back together. Not surprised huh? I am. She could've been a role model out here for these That totally explains why she didn't want to press charges against him, this love is blind shit. I'm over it.

Check it out here for the full story


Anonymous said...

You can't say that Soph. Maybe they will work it and out and still be a voice to young America. Love ain't blind, shit is real. Sometimes you know deep down inside that you won't another to compare. JUST MY THOUGHTS.

SoPhie said...

But seriously how will they do that?
Think about it.. you have all these young girls who idolize Chris Brown and love Rihanna's style, who are probably in a abusive relationship. So here they are sitting at home seeing that they are back together after the ridiculous damages that he has done to her face and as naive as some young girls are they will think it is ok for them to go back to their abusers. That's not a good example.

IF they do work it out, great. They have the money for to go to anger management, counseling and all that crap.. reg folks don't and don't have time for it. Majority of these girls end up being dead & you hear this all the time

Anonymous said...

It all comes down to Chris Brown. He has to be the bigger person and take a stand and admit what he did was wrong and that it should not go on in any relationship. That is the first step, until then, nothing will change or be resolved in the world...


SoPhie said...

we'll see it turns out.
cause still we don't know what happened.
it will come out eventually

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