Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Allright so we all or majority knows that Ciara's album is coming out today and we all or majority knows how much I love her! But this album, I wasn't too excited about buying. I'm actually really hesitant about buying it because I love her so much and I don't want to hate it. The latest singles she had out had to grow on me and that almost never happened with Ciara. I've heard some bad reviews about it but you know different people, different ears. But I might like it who knows. My friend might buy it so I'm just waiting to hear it first so I can decide whether to buy it or not.
Sad huh?
But there's this one song that I absolutely love on her album it had been leaked on Concreteloop. It's called "Like A Surgeon" , it's cool
(click on the title to hear it)

Are you planning on buying or have you heard it? Thoughts?

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