For 2 days now I've been dreaming about being chased by a raccoon. Weird shit right? Like a raccoon seriously? Would've been cool if it was a monkey or anything else but a raccoon! Anyway last night was like a dream in a dream, like I was dreaming about being chased by a raccoon then fell asleep in my dream then dreamt about being chased by the raccoon. I don't know if you understood that, it sounds weird anyway.
I'm haitian for some who don't know and ever since I was little I've always heard that dreams meant something. I've seen people in my family or friends of family with dream books or someone who knew exactly what every dream meant. So basically I always think that every dream that I can remember means something. I decided to google dreams about raccoons and this is what the results looks like:
"The raccoon has stood for deception, mischief, and thievery down through the ages because of his mask and his nocturnal ways. To dream of a raccoon warns you to be on your guard and the dream should be studied carefully in context with the rest of your symbols. To dream you see a raccoon in your dream shows that people are presenting false faces to you in your everyday life. To be chased by a raccoon shows that a person you thought a friend has turned on you and now works behind your back for your downfall."
"Due to the 'mask' this animal wears and its nocturnal way, it is most of the times associated with deceit, slyness and treachery.
If in your dream you are attacked or chased by a raccoon, this points to the fact that there are people around you, in the real world, who do not have the best intentions and want to harm you stealthily.
You may be 'stabbed' from behind by people around you who seem friendly and fair."
Weird shit huh?
I wonder ..
Believe it or not this is real. Im also West us superstious but my grandma tells me what every dream mean and its always true.
keep your friends and enemies at arms distance... which means don't let them get to close so you are able to look them up and down and recognize the real from the fake...
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